Kassandra’s Story and Ours…..
Kassandra, Trojan princess and sister of Hector, served Apollo as a priestess. She had the gift of prophecy but was cursed by Apollo for rejecting his advances. After he cursed her, even though she spoke the truth, no one believed her – much to their detriment and her personal anger and anguish! We understand the plight of Kassandra as modern science screams the perils of climate disaster and the destruction of Planet Earth while most turn a blind eye and deaf ear in favor of profit and ease of living.
This web site is a conversation about local and global environmental issues. You are invited to join Yough Communities C.A.R.E. in our conversation thru networking, calendar, blog, and media.
Come join the effort and let everyone know what you are doing!

Some of Our Recent Actions

Working the GAP Trail
We keep watch, ensuring our river stays clean and critters safe. Join our outreach team!

Meet & Greet the Candidates
Sharing our ideas and concerns with local candidates is an important way to let them know about environmental dangers.

Planning ‘Good Trouble’
Planning our efforts to spark change. Using your voice can help protect our beautiful planet!

Clairton Coke Works 2023